November 14, 2023
Commissioner Emeritus Appointed

Dr. J. Melvin Woody was named the first Connecticut River Gateway Commissioner Emeritus Member at the regional organization’s October 2023 annual meeting.
Melvin has represented the Town of Lyme on the Commission for 50 years – from the organization’s creation in 1973 to this past summer.
When the Gateway Commission celebrated the 50th anniversary of its legislative creation in 2023, Kristina White, a Lyme Selectwoman and Executive Director of the Lyme Land Trust, paid tribute to Melvin for his long, meritorious service at an August reception overlooking the Lieutenant River in Old Lyme. The tributary is in the Connecticut River Gateway Zone.
As an ex officio member, Melvin may participate in discussions and offer his unique historical perspective and experienced viewpoint for members’ consideration. His continued wisdom and guidance is much appreciated by the Commission.
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