Submit Your Photos

Looking at Old Saybrook from Old Lyme, Kathleen DeMeo

Home > Submit Your Photos

Share Your Love of the Connecticut River

You can help us show how special and important the Zone and the Connecticut River are by sharing your photos of favorite locations and activities in the area. Please submit your photos of scenic river views, wildlife, plants and terrain, sunsets and more so we can inspire more people to care about the river.

The Connecticut River Gateway Commission will feature photographs on its website, social media (Facebook and Instagram), and within printed outreach materials. We can use only photos taken within the Zone and we will post photos in season.

Thank you for submitting your photos. Together, we can make sure the Connecticut River and the special places within the Zone are cherished for generations to come.

How to name photo files

When submitting your photos, please use the following file naming format: Description-Location-FirstName-LastName.jpg so that we may identify what the photo is of and give you credit.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Submit Photographs

Photographer's Contact Information

Email and phone contact information is for CRGC use only. This information will not appear on the website.
Photo Use Authorization and Release Permission

I do hereby authorize the Connecticut River Gateway Commission to use my photograph(s) in its programs to preserve the aesthetic and natural beauty of the lower Connecticut River Valley. I understand that my photograph(s) may be used in various media (print and electronic) by the Gateway Commission, with attribution. This may include websites, Facebook, Instagram, e-news, a print publication, or other reproduction. I hereby release the Connecticut River Gateway Commission from any liability that may arise from any such promotion, and from any liability that may arise from the dissemination of such promotion to the public or the use of the promotion by the public. The Commission sincerely thanks you for allowing it to use your photograph(s).

Photo #1

Maximum file size: 15MB

Maximum upload size: 15 MB

Photo #2

Photo #3

Thank you for submitting your photos.

Eight Town logos in a grid plus two partners

A Shared Commitment to the River

The Connecticut River Gateway Commission, a regional “compact,” is comprised of two appointed members from each of the eight member towns, four “regional” members appointed by RiverCOG and a representative of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Commissioner.