Commission Meetings

Mouth of Lords Cove by Tom Walsh

Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of every month, with exception of November and December.

Please see posted agendas to find out if meetings will be held in-person or remotely via videoconferencing.

In-person meetings have been held in the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments conference room.

145 Old Dennison Road
Essex, CT 06426


Gateway Commission Meetings

Agendas for future Commission and committee meetings are posted as details are finalized. The Commission is committed to compliance with FOIA requirements. Older agendas are not posted online but may be requested through

Current year posted minutes have active links. Dates for future scheduled meetings are shown in gray font.

Committee Meetings

Agendas for future Commission and committee meetings are posted as details are finalized. The Commission is committed to compliance with FOIA requirements. Older agendas are not posted online but may be requested through

Current year posted minutes have active links. Dates for future scheduled meetings are shown in gray font.

Communications & Outreach Committee

Conducts communications and educational programs for the public and/or local officials, including the creation of materials and oversight of this website.  Unless otherwise noticed, the meetings will be help via Zoom teleconference beginning at 5:00 pm.


Meeting Minutes

Land Committee

Recommends potential land conservation or easement support to be provided by the Commission to land trusts, towns, and other conservation organizations and provides information on the Commission’s land conservation mission.


Meeting Minutes

Rules & Procedure Committee

Reviews and recommends revisions as needed regarding membership, legal matters, and Commission standards.


Meeting Minutes

Finance Committee

Responsible for accounting/bookkeeping, investment management, financial reporting, budget preparation, and auditing. This committee only meets annually.


Meeting Minutes


Additional information and meeting minutes prior to those listed may be obtained by emailing staff.